Trying on a Rule of LIfe

To close the gap between the words we say and the confessions we profess, we are trying on a Rule of Life to deepen our discipleship to Jesus. 

A Rule of Life is a set of rhythms or practices that help us cultivate space for remaining with Jesus (what Jesus calls abiding in John 15). 

Here’s a loose framework based on the basic aspects of life: physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and social. 


  1. Before you start ask the Holy Spirit to lead you. You could simply pray, “come Holy Spirit. I am willing to follow.” 

  2. Allow yourself to answer the core questions honestly. 

  3. Have fun! A rule is meant to serve you; it’s sole purpose is to lead you back to Jesus so that your life is caught up with his. Enjoy. 

  4. Look ahead to the end for an example. 


Core Question: What habits of body (see below) help keep your whole person healthy and “holy” (whole) before God? 

Examples: sleep, regular exercise, a healthy diet, water, limiting alcohol intake, walking, rising at a certain time daily, sports, annual doctor’s visit, vitamins, and honoring God with your sexuality by living by Jesus’ teachings. 

Practical: I will go for a 30 min walk/exercise without my phone ____time(s) a week. 


Core Question: What practices of care are built into your life? What do you need to remove from your life to rest in God’s love?

Examples: Limit escapist behaviors by limiting your intake of things like alcohol, social media, television, sugar, staying up late, etc. 

Practical: I will engage with a spiritual director and/or therapist ____time(s) and month. 

Practical: I will keep a routine to practice Sabbath on _______ day of the week. (This practice flexes. It leans into emotional and social health. Sabbath for delight!)


Core Question: What habits move you toward union with God?

Examples: prayer, meditation, fasting, study, simplicity, solitude, service, confession, worship, journaling, etc. 

Practical: Bible before phone. I will not open my device before I spend time in the scriptures.


Core Question: How are you carefully guarding your mind’s time on and input from digital devices to keep it healthy and free from temptation & distraction?

Examples: Regularly reading scripture, diverse podcast listening or book reading, church on Sunday, gratitude, a digital rule of life, digital sabbath, a daily limit on device use, etc.

Practical: I commit to reading/listening to a person who disagrees with me weekly (i.e. reading Allsides news, listening to a podcast).  


Core Question(s): What relationships form my community before God? Who do I need with me to continue to move toward loving Jesus? 

Examples for friendship: weekly phone calls or coffee with friends, regular times to connect over a meal, community, Sunday Gathering. 

Practical: I will gather in person or online every Sunday to worship in community, learn from the Scriptures, and create space for the Spirit.

Example Rule of Life: 

You’ll notice that this Rule of Life is organized around blocks of time which comes from Justin Earley’s work, “The Common Rule.” 

  • Daily:

    • Quiet, bible, and prayer before phone. 

    • Exercise and/or move my body. 

    • Play with the boys 1-on-1. 

    • Read at least one chapter of non-work related literature. 

    • Dinner around the table without tech. 

    • Get outside for at least 15 mins. 

  • Weekly:

    • Intentional time with partner. 

    • Phone call about nothing with my best friend. 

    • Sabbath feast!

    • Meal with another family. 

    • Community Group 

    • Sunday Gathering 

    • Pre-gathering prayer 

  • Monthly:

    • Prayer & Fasting for 12-24 hrs.