Care at Gateway
Love one another deeply as sisters and brothers. Take the lead in honoring one another. (Romans 12:10)
The following is a brief framework to live in accordance with our value of honor as it comes to community care:
We are committed to holding space for individuals and communities in need. When an incident, major or minor, occurs it is paramount that we practice active listening and affirm the vulnerability it takes to invite another person into challenging circumstances.
Receiving gives way to reflecting. That is, garnering clarity about what has taken place for understanding. This heeds a way to communicate with requested or necessary channels for care.
*We greatly value the privacy of the church body and honor your requests for discretion; however, the Care Team at Gateway is required by law to report reasonable suspicions of abuse.
We rejoice with those who rejoice and grieve with those who grieve, without becoming their grief. We desire to respond in a healthy and differentiated manner.
Follow up is not about the response, it is about the person. We revisit and recall what we have received.
While the world moves on, we hold space for ongoing grief and healing. You are not alone.