At the very heart of the gospel is giving. The gospel liberates us to give - sacrificially, generously, and joyfully - because of God’s radical generosity to us through Christ. At Gateway, we believe that giving cheerfully and sacrificially is a very spiritual act of worship. One of the primary ways we display our love for God is through the generous giving of our treasure and resources. When we give generously, it is like sowing seeds that will always produce God’s blessings in our lives and in our church, which will then flow out into our city and also our world.
Cash or checks can be given during our Sunday gatherings. If you'd like to receive a tax deduction for cash gifts, the gift should be placed in an offering envelope with your name and address on it. We do not pass an offering plate during our services.
Church Office:
The Gateway Church
218 6th Ave, Suite 200
Des Moines, IA 50309
Send one-time gifts and recurring contributions online with your credit or debit card or via ACH deposit directly from your bank account.*
Text any amount to 84321 to give. Do a one-time profile set-up. Next time, text the amount or set up recurring giving.
*If you're giving online, it helps us save on processing fees if you set up your transfer as an ACH instead of using a card. ACH fees via the link above are just $0.30 per transaction, while credit card processing fees are 2.3% plus $0.30 per transaction.