Practicing the way of Jesus for the Renewal of the City
The Gateway Church began with a simple vision, to live out the way of Jesus in the heart of Des Moines. We started by loving our city in whatever simple ways his Spirit would lead us. As a result, people from across all spectrums of life and faith have been captivated by the beauty of the gospel and begun a journey of following Christ within our church.
Worship is the act of ascribing ultimate value to God in a way that energizes and engages your whole person - mind, will, and emotions.
We are committed to joining God in the renewing of all things through the proclamation and representation of the Kingdom of God on earth. Displaying a spirit of generosity in a needy world.
We believe that Jesus is not just “after your soul.” Rather, we see a Jesus in the New Testament who’s interested in our whole self. Therefore, we desire to see the church harness her creative imagination for the fame of Jesus and the good of Des Moines.
We have been called to express Jesus’ vision of New Creation through arts, culture, and career.
The Church is a countercultural movement for the common good. Community formation is not an insular value. Rather, we desire that the love we freely receive from Jesus would be given in kind to our neighbors regardless of race, ethnicity, or orientation. Our’s is the divine task of holding space for formation by love as we gather corporately and communally.
At Gateway we desire to partner with God to put the world to rights, both locally and globally. 10% of every dollar you give to Gateway Church goes directly to support justice work in Des Moines and around the world.
God is forming a family out of strangers. In this community we love and serve and become. Community therefore becomes our best expression of the gospel and the living declaration of the power of Christ to change us.
Discipleship, or apprenticeship, is the life-long process of turning everything over to the authority of Christ so that we might be formed in His image.
We desire to be a people and a place to ask honest questions to a Jesus who desire to know us and be known be us.