We pursue the presence of God in Des Moines.
When we survey the scriptures, we encounter God’s people relentlessly pursuing God’s presence, they are not content resting on a theological principle that God is everywhere; no, they desire God’s manifest presence. We desire that same tangible presence. Through the whole of our lives we seek to create holy spaces wherein we can encounter the living Christ.
We desire to be a community following Jesus in Spirit & Truth. Therefore, as we gather to worship through song, learn together from the Scriptures, and pray with & for one another, the end goal is not the gathering or good feelings. Rather, the goal is to be present to God, present to one another, and present to our city in the name of Jesus the Christ.
Community groups
Community groups are a key aspect of our church community. Most meet weekly in the home of a group member or online via Zoom. These groups of 5-15 help people grow and develop as followers of Jesus by gathering on a regular basis for prayer, laughter, Bible study, support, and encouragement.