Get Connected
We desire to be a community following Jesus in Spirit and Truth. Therefore, as we gather to worship through song, learn together from the Scriptures, and pray with & for one another, the end goal is not the gathering or good feelings. Rather, the goal is to be present to God, present to one another, and present to our city in the name of Jesus the Christ.
Community Groups
Church is far more than a two-hour gathering on a Sunday. The church is the dynamic new humanity, a people with a communal life that reflects the future kingdom of God. These small groups of 5-15 help people grow and develop as followers of Jesus by gathering on a regular basis for prayer, laughter, Bible study, support, and encouragement.
We are committed to receiving God's call to join him here in Des Moines as active participants in our city's renewal. We do so by partnering with local organizations and non-profits, physically and financially, to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.
Ministry Teams
As we move towards our "new normal" we know we won't be able to do it without your help! Many of you have volunteered in the past but we don't want to assume what role(s) you'd be interested in. Instead, please take a moment to fill out this form to let us know where you would like to volunteer.