Trying on a Rule of LIfe
To close the gap between the words we say and the confessions we profess, we are trying on a Rule of Life to deepen our discipleship to Jesus.
A Rule of Life is a set of rhythms or practices that help us cultivate space for remaining with Jesus (what Jesus calls abiding in John 15).
Here’s a loose framework based on the basic aspects of life: physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and social.
Before you start ask the Holy Spirit to lead you. You could simply pray, “come Holy Spirit. I am willing to follow.”
Allow yourself to answer the core questions honestly.
Have fun! A rule is meant to serve you; it’s sole purpose is to lead you back to Jesus so that your life is caught up with his. Enjoy.
Look ahead to the end for an example.
Core Question: What habits of body (see below) help keep your whole person healthy and “holy” (whole) before God?
Examples: sleep, regular exercise, a healthy diet, water, limiting alcohol intake, walking, rising at a certain time daily, sports, annual doctor’s visit, vitamins, and honoring God with your sexuality by living by Jesus’ teachings.
Practical: I will go for a 30 min walk/exercise without my phone ____time(s) a week.
Core Question: What practices of care are built into your life? What do you need to remove from your life to rest in God’s love?
Examples: Limit escapist behaviors by limiting your intake of things like alcohol, social media, television, sugar, staying up late, etc.
Practical: I will engage with a spiritual director and/or therapist ____time(s) and month.
Practical: I will keep a routine to practice Sabbath on _______ day of the week. (This practice flexes. It leans into emotional and social health. Sabbath for delight!)
Core Question: What habits move you toward union with God?
Examples: prayer, meditation, fasting, study, simplicity, solitude, service, confession, worship, journaling, etc.
Practical: Bible before phone. I will not open my device before I spend time in the scriptures.
Core Question: How are you carefully guarding your mind’s time on and input from digital devices to keep it healthy and free from temptation & distraction?
Examples: Regularly reading scripture, diverse podcast listening or book reading, church on Sunday, gratitude, a digital rule of life, digital sabbath, a daily limit on device use, etc.
Practical: I commit to reading/listening to a person who disagrees with me weekly (i.e. reading Allsides news, listening to a podcast).
Core Question(s): What relationships form my community before God? Who do I need with me to continue to move toward loving Jesus?
Examples for friendship: weekly phone calls or coffee with friends, regular times to connect over a meal, community, Sunday Gathering.
Practical: I will gather in person or online every Sunday to worship in community, learn from the Scriptures, and create space for the Spirit.
Example Rule of Life:
You’ll notice that this Rule of Life is organized around blocks of time which comes from Justin Earley’s work, “The Common Rule.”
Quiet, bible, and prayer before phone.
Exercise and/or move my body.
Play with the boys 1-on-1.
Read at least one chapter of non-work related literature.
Dinner around the table without tech.
Get outside for at least 15 mins.
Intentional time with partner.
Phone call about nothing with my best friend.
Sabbath feast!
Meal with another family.
Community Group
Sunday Gathering
Pre-gathering prayer
Prayer & Fasting for 12-24 hrs.