Wondering what to expect on a Sunday?

Join us in Downtown Des Moines at 10am on Sunday mornings.


The Gateway Church

The Fleming Building
218 6th Ave, Suite 200
Des Moines, IA 50309

Church location map

Parking options

  • Street parking is free on Sundays!

  • In general, parking south of The Gateway Church is best. There are 25 parking spaces on Mulberry St between 5th Ave and 7th Ave. There are 16 parking spaces on 6th Ave between Mulberry and Locust St.

  • The large surface parking lot at Cherry St and 5th Ave is free and it’s only a 3-minute walk from our front door.


  • The primary entrance for The Gateway Church faces 6th Ave. There will be someone to greet you at the entrance.

  • Once you enter the building lobby, you can go up to the second floor via the stairs on your left. Elevators are also available.

During the service

  • Communion

    Pre-packaged elements of juice and a wafer (including a gluten-free option) are available to pick up at the welcome table or baskets at the end of each row in the sanctuary. We participate in communion following the teaching at the end of our gathering.

  • Liturgy

We follow an order of service that includes times of worship, prayer, confession & assurance, offering, and teaching. Readings and song lyrics are projected in the space and updated on our website each week to make it easy to follow along.

  • Offering

While we do not pass an offering plate, we participate in reading a generosity liturgy during the service. We encourage people to give online should they feel led. This can be done by texting any dollar amount to 8-4321 or through our mobile app. For more information about giving online, please visit this page. If you prefer not to give online, checks can be mailed to our office or deposited in our offering box during a weekend service.

Gateway Kids

  • Check-in

Parents/guardians are required to check in their children before attending Gateway Kids Classes. When you arrive, please visit the Kids Check-In Table, where a volunteer will assist you, providing name tags and security tags for pick-up.

  • Activity packets

Activity packets and clipboards are available for students during the service when we have “Family Style” Gatherings on the first Sunday of each month.

Online gatherings

Livestream video of our Sunday gatherings begin at 10am and a chat is available during the service.

  • This week's liturgy

    Each week, we follow an order of service that includes times of worship, prayer, confession & assurance, offering, and teaching. Readings and Song Lyrics are projected in the space and updated on our website each week to make it easy to follow along.

  • Gateway Kids

    We are currently offering care and classes for Nursery/Preschool and Elementary Students. The First Sunday of each month we have a “Family-Style” gathering where all Gateway kids will be in service with us.