The Past | Part Two
Group Discussion Guide
Each Sunday we come together we offer an open invitation into the way of Jesus. An invitation to enter into sacred rhythms - to draw near to God through singing, giving, learning, and praying.
As a community who desires renewal in Des Moines as it is in Heaven, we recognize that we cannot offer what we ourselves do not have. We cannot lead where we ourselves have not been led; in turn, these questions aim at reflection. Reflecting on God’s word and making space for his leadership.
After watching or listening consider the following discussion questions as a large group or in groups of three to four:
What stood out to you in this week’s teaching?
Turn to Genesis 12v1-3 and invite someone to read...
Abraham’s blessing was passed from generation to generation. What are some blessings that you’ve inherited from your family or origin?
God’s promise was to bless every nation on earth through Abraham’s family. Why do you think families play such a key role in God’s plan for the world?
In a society where the family is rapidly breaking down, what does this say about how we do family in the church?
What would it look like if we lived from not for affirmation?
What surprised you these past two weeks about looking back with intention at your past?